Disney XD's Lab Rats Wiki
Disney XD's Lab Rats Wiki
The boss sent me in. They call me... the in-terror-gator! (sinister laughter) When I ask questions, I. Get. Answers!
Donald when masked as the Senior Guard in Quarantined

The Senior Guard is a character who only appeared in the episode Quarantined. He is affiliated with the Security Guard, a group of criminals who were planning on dumping chemicals in the ocean.

He is portrayed by Alan Heitz.


Although the actual person himself does not make an appearance, Donald impersonates him using a cybermask, thus his body and voice are known and make an on-screen appearance. In spite of being an associate of the criminal Security Guard, the latter does not recognize him. He claims “the boss” of the team sent him in and demands that the Security Guard let Adam and Chase go as he’ll be taking both of them with him. Chase does not trust the Senior Guard and Adam hits him to try to knock some sense out of him, inadvertently blowing his cover as Donald using a cybermask to pretend to be the Senior Guard.


  • He is the first character in the series to be impersonated using a cybermask, although unlike all other characters, the real non-cybermasked person never makes an appearance.